Leonard Rossiter.com
Three official web sites in one

Rigsby Online:
The Authorised Guide to Rising Damp


The Life & Career of
Leonard Rossiter

"...Very detailed and thoroughly researched... Congratulations on having created such a fine tribute to my late father, Leonard."
Camilla Rossiter


Reggie Online:
The Official Home of
Reginald Perrin

"You don't have to be sexy, or alive, to have an obsessive fan willing to give up mountains of time to build a web shrine in your honour - as this magnificent website on Leonard Rossiter, who died in 1984, demonstrates. Split into three domains, this site houses The Official Reginald Perrin website (highlights include a list of every time Reggie's boss, CJ, says "I didn't get where I am today..."), A Complete Guide To Rising Damp and The Life And Career Of Leonard Rossiter. 

Often regarded as one of Britain's greatest-ever comedy actors, there's lots of reminders here of his work beyond his two famous sitcoms - including a full version of Le Petomane, Rossiter's short film about the infamous Victorian performer who built a record-breaking stage show around his ability to fart at will." - The Guardian

"Lovingly detailed site devoted to a great British comic actor."  -  Rough Guide To British Cult Comedy:  Buy the book

...(c) Paul Fisher

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